Best Educational Tools to learn about stock market investments?


The inception of the internet has made learning very intuitive and accessible. Education previously available only through books is now obtainable in multiple formats. The medium of books, the oldest learning tool, is still relevant but not the sole source of knowledge anymore.

As a beginner investor, there are multiple ways to understand concepts, read about the companies, spend time researching, and get a general overview of the share market. We brings the best free online resources to help you understand the share market and investments in depth. This article will give you the best online resources to learn about stock market investments.

1.Free learning tools:

To accommodate yourselves to the learning process, you can use free tools. These include

  • Blogs: There are a variety of blogs that provide varying levels of knowledge about the different aspects of trading and investing.
  • Videos: Through share market videos, you can learn about the intricacies of the stock market from its experts.


LinkedIn and Twitter are the portals where stock market experts share their views and studies. Many of them are interested in guiding beginners into getting started with trading. You can find an expert online who can guide you through your stock market journey as your mentor.

However, it is essential to understand the thin line between an influencer, a social media content creator and an industry expert. Make an informed choice about who you look up to as a mentor only after carefully considering all available options - Paid and Free.​

3.Financial Guides:

After using free tools, you should use financial guides to take a deeper dive into a finance-related topic.

Available in the form of downloadable e-books, these guides are a one-stop solution to all your basic queries about a topic.

Our range of Financial Guides offers insights into various topics like mutual funds, saving and investments, etc.

4.Sign up for a webinar​:

Many experts conduct online webinars that offer trading courses for beginners. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram have groups where new investors can access all the webinars. These webinars can provide you with a basic idea of stock market investments. Ultimately, they pave the way to conduct further research. ​


Are you looking to dive deeper and learn as much as you can about the stock market before you invest?

If yes, you can do this with Elearnmarkets diverse range of free and paid courses.

We offer courses of varying difficulty levels and durations from various experts on our platform.

6.Join communities :

Startups are building community-first products and services. These communities organise e-meets, discussions, and live chats where people and admins help each other solve niche-specific doubts. A community where members discuss the latest stock market trends can be a great source of insights.